Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Dad, My Hero Free Essays

Nikki Jones Prof. French English 1301 2/11/2013 My Dad Some people might say that the perfect dad does not exist, I don’t know what they know, but what I surely know is that my dad is perfect for me and he is the greatest grandfather. Everything my dad do is special to me, the way he dresses, the way he moves, the way he behave, the way he speaks etc. We will write a custom essay sample on My Dad, My Hero or any similar topic only for you Order Now I just think that it could be greatest thing ever if I could ever meet a man half as great as my dad. My dad is a coach. He is usually wearing tennis shoes, sweatpants and a comfy t-shirt not in an I don’t care kind of look, but like an coach would look. Looking at him you can tell that he is very laid back and easy going. Just the other we were out to eat and this man walks up to him and says â€Å"You look like a coach. I need to talk to one. † However, if you know my dad like I do, you would know that he dresses in all kind of clothes, such as cheap, expensive, soft, formal, informal, etc. I really like it when he wears his suit that is when he his suit that is when he is the most handsome. My father is sort of a large built man standing around 5’10. I’m hesitating to call him fat because he is muscular but he does have a large round belly. He is mostly bald the little hair he does have is gray and he sort of walks like a penguin. He tells me when I was younger he would rock me to sleep on his belly. He is the kind of person that is interesting to listen. His voice is calming and soothing. Every time that I need to hear e an honest opinion, I always go with my father, because he gives me his opinion from the bottom of his heart. At other times when he wants to tell me something that his good or bad, he waits the perfect moment to tell me, it is usually somewhere where that is calm and relaxed. My dad always tries to give me his advice. Sometimes it might appear as I don’t listen or care but when he gives me some advice, it is very important and dear to me. He gives me the support that everyone needs, when my does give his support, I feel safe and very confident. My father is very soothing and affectionate and loving man. He always treats my mom with love and care no matter where and with whom. He wraps his big but soft hands around her shoulders and tells her that he loves her. He never fails to tell me and my siblings how much he loves and cares about us. I will look into his glowing brown eyes and they are shining every time he says to me and that’s how I know he means it. I remember when I was younger around 6 maybe. My sister and I was in the royal court at school they had all the fathers dance with the daughter(the sweethearts). We were fighting just about that entire week on he gets to dance with him. One the day of the dance he took both us by the hands and with us both. We both felt warm and secure in his arms. At that moment I knew that he would as be there for us, he would as love us and do whatever it is to keep us happy. I will always love him and hope one day to meet someone like him. How to cite My Dad, My Hero, Essay examples

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