Monday, December 16, 2019

Movie response Free Essays

Movie Is take on a dark portion of the history of U. S. And are able to Illustrate not only a Journey but highlight prolific periods In time. We will write a custom essay sample on Movie response or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hooligan’s movie Is a true story of an American legend, Jackie Robinson, who broke the racial barrier In Major League Baseball and became one of the most Inspirational leaders In the fight for call rights and equality. Throughout the movie, Robinson Is faced with outrageous comments and unjust treatment from a variety of sources. There is one significant leader that mirrors the same passive actions as Robinson is Mr.. Martin Luther King Jar. Along with having an impact on the activist, Robinson was able to open to door for African- American athletes, not just in baseball but in all sports. Robinson not only proved his race was capable of competing, but was able to change the stigma and stereotypes that African-Americans faced. Another area that would see the influence of Robinson, and that was shown in the movie, was the role of sports journalist named Wendell Smith. Although the movie might have stretched the relationship of Robinson and Smith, there Is no denying the impact they had on each other. Smith was tasked with not only covering Robinson but finding him places to stay, as well as to help protect him. Robinson on the other hand did more than give Smith something to write about, but to help open the pathway for African-Americans to Join other fields, even sports journalism Jackie Robinson did more than change the game of baseball. He was able to curb stereotypes with humility, change the way people see those of a darker complexion, and begin to open the door for African-Americans to belong in any occupation. He was able to use the platform of being a professional athlete to help shed light on the atrocious treatment and inequality people of color were forced to face. Robinsons whole journey as well as the purpose can be summed up in his own quote movie 42 response By vested â€Å"42† movie is take on a dark portion of the history of U. S. And are able to illustrate not only a Journey but highlight prolific periods in time. Hooligan’s movie is a true story of an American legend, Jackie Robinson, who broke the racial barrier in Major League Baseball and became one of the most inspirational leaders in the fight for civil rights and equality. Throughout the movie, Robinson is faced with outrageous comments American athletes, not Just in baseball but in all sports. Robinson not only proved his and that was shown in the movie, was the role of sports Journalist named Wendell Smith, there is no denying the impact they had on each other. Smith was tasked with face. Robinsons whole Journey as well as the purpose can be summed up in his own. How to cite Movie response, Papers

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